A major goal of computational molecular biology is to
develop information processing or algorithmic accounts
of biological questions such as:How is information
encoded, stored, decoded, and used in biological
What sequence regularities (if any) are predictive of
protein function? How can we precisely characterize the
syntax (grammar) and semantics (meaning) of
macromolecular sequences? How do hundreds of genes
interact over time to orchestrate specific biological
processes of interest?
Research in computational biology requires the
development of sophisticated algorithms, software tools
for data storage and retrieval, data integration, information
extraction, exploratory data analysis and
discovery (through data mining and data visualization),
experiment design, using heterogeneous biological data
sources, databases, knowledge bases, and ontologies.
Design and development of such tools is a major goal of
bioinformatics or computational biology.
WOB 2003 will be the meeting place for
researchers and practitioners from industry and academia.
Researchers and practitioners throughout Latin America are strongly
encouraged to participate.
WOB 2003 will take place in Macaé,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on December 3-5, 2003.
You are cordially invited to submit Bioinformatic-related work in any of the
categories for participation.