Segundo Workshop Brasileño de Bioinformática
      WOB 2003
             Macaé, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil  del 3 al 5 de Diciembre de 2003
[ português | español | english ]
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Organizado por:

DI PUC-Rio PUC-Rio Faculdade Salesiana Maria Auxiliadora - FSMA

Departamento   de Informática

Agradecimientos a: Profs. Clarisse de Souza y Simone Barbosa, SERG PUC-Rio.
Webmaster: Anolan Milanés (DI PUC_RIO)
Logo: Marcelus de Souza Siqueira (FSMA)


Wim Degrave - DBBM FIOCRUZ

David C. Martin - IBM Life Sciences

What is in a genome? Coding and non-coding sequences, by Wim Degrave
Many prokaryotic and eukaryotic genomes have been fully sequenced, and almost all of the attention has been drawn to protein-coding regions, in the search for new drug, vaccine and diagnostic targets, and as a focal point of study in evolutionary biology. Annotation systems are also designed mainly to uncover and detail protein-coding sequences. Relatively little is known about the structure and function of non-coding regions, repetitive DNA, and control regions for gene expression and chromosome structure and function, which remains a challenge for analysis and annotation systems.

Wim Degrave has a degree in Chemistry and Ph.D. in Molecular Biology, both from the Federal University of Gent, Bélgium. Since 1985 he is active in the Department for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Oswaldo Cruz Institute . Fiocruz, as senior researcher and head of the Laboratory for Functional Genomics and Bioinformatics. Since 1987, he is responsible for bioinformatics at Fiocruz, having organized several post-graduate, regional and international courses in this field. He is coordinator of the Latin-American and Caribbean Network for Bioinformatics (LacBioNet) and for the Ibero-American network for Bioinformatics (RIBio)


Information Integration Practices for Bioinformatics, by David Martin
IBM Life Sciences has assisted leading institutions in the development of bioinformatics solutions. This presentation will highlight some of these engagements, including the Mayo Clinic, Indiana University and Johns Hopkins University. Executive Biography
David C. Martin is Program Executive for Integrated Industry Solutions in IBM Life Sciences Solutions. Previously, he led the research and development of data mining and customer relationship management solutions for IBM at the Almaden Research Center and Austin Development Lab, including the development of DecisionEdge, IntelligentMiner and SurfAid. He has also worked at University of California at San Francisco, and as a Senior Scientist for Molecular Simulations. David holds six patents, including the Web browser plug-in (US 5838906), a B.A. from the University of California at Berkeley and an M.S. in computer science from the University of Wisconsin at Madison.

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